The root of creating a new identity.

The entire human race is either given an identity based on the expectations of others or life circumstances; sometimes, your identity is defined through trial and error. The root of defining who you are consists of having a comparison. Your first identity is usually your weakness; your new identity becomes your strength and vice versa. 

1. Admittance

 Before you can create a better version of yourself, you must understand the old self and its current condition. The old self is attached to negative thoughts, constant discomforting emotions, lack of emotional control, and bad decisions involving consequences. The suffering self must recognize and understand its current state. Self-awareness consists of realizing your thoughts, choices, behavior, and influences have become self-destructive. 

2. Frequent Isolation

 Take a few hours daily and isolate yourself from the media, phone, associates, friends, and family. Use your isolation time to freelance and stumble on what brings emotional comfort and distraction from pain. It is impossible to create a new you while being influenced by the same people. You can create a better version of yourself by minimizing distractions influencing your thoughts. 

3. Self-Evaluate

Get to know your weakness and triggers that cause emotional discomfort. Identifying your triggers and weaknesses helps bypass repeated unhealthy decisions and incorporate healthy, positive choices. Create a system within yourself to avoid triggers or develop techniques to not emotionally react despite the impulse. Emotional detachment is a great technique to master. Emotional detachment is a tool that helps individuals become aware of their choices despite the environmental pressure to react. 

4. Focus

 Find something you want to do. Think of something you will enjoy being a participant in despite pay. Focus on your emotional response. Can your focus make a positive impact on the world? Say to yourself that only death can take away your focus. Subtract every excuse your thoughts make to discontinue. Remember, your thoughts are not facts, just vocal assumptions. 

5. Research

 Research or create the education, knowledge, tools, and techniques needed to become an expert in your field of choice. Your experience of what you used to be compared to who you want to become is an effective research method. What worked for others may not work for you. Create a method that gives you the solution and results you desire. 

6. List

 Make a list of positive manifestations involved with focusing. For example, what are the positive rewards attached to your choice to stay focused? Next, list people, places, and things you found distracting that can be a barrier in your decision to focus. Finally, write the negative consequences attached to distraction and losing focus. 

7. Help Others

How can your ability to focus help others? Notate the tools and techniques you developed to create a new you. Explain to people how to get attached to results and not ideas. Ideas remain only ideas without action or results.

8. Action

Take the first step by demonstrating your new identity to the world. Live your life in opposition to your negative thoughts. Do the opposite of what your thoughts stated you could never do. In due time, you will break into the habit and understand that your negative thoughts are information without facts. Self-awareness begins when you realize you have gained physical proof against your negative thoughts.

Written by: Mirian Hobbs